- Unbreakable
- Shadow Tolerant
- Tolerant of Extreme High/Low Temperatures
- Triple Junction Technology (in simple language, the 64 watt module is comparable in daily output to an 80 watt glass module)
For most of our customers, I don't need to sell them on the benefits of UniSolar. Once you have used them, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But it does lead to the question,
What happened to the US64s? Where are they?
UniSolar stopped manufacturing their framed modules about two years ago and their flexible modules in 2005. Why? The solar market has shifted away from small, low voltage applications with an emphasis, first on residential installations and currently, on large scale commercial installations. The module hasn't disappeared... it has simply taken on a new form... a flexible unframed module.
UniSolar's BIPV modules are available in a 68 watt 9 ft version and a 136 watt 18ft version. Architecturally, they are great. They blend into the roofline, allow complete design freedom with ridge to eave coverage possible. They have a "sticky back" that just peels off, making installation easy and cost effective.
They come in rolls that you roll onto your roof or other mounting structure and feature all the benefits of the US64 and a few more:
- Theft resistant!
- No back-ventilation of solar panels necessary (lightweight laminates are easy to handle and can be field applied directly on metal)
- No support structures needed
- UL Listed as prepared roofing cover
- Wind and water-tight roof
- Suitable both for renovation and for new construction
- 20-year power output
- Standard junction box or weather-tight quick connect system
- “Peel & stick” adhesive backing capable of withstanding 160 mph wind loads