This is the sixth installment about the provisions found in the recently passed Stimulus Bill. Included is information about Solar Water Treatment Plants, Department of Interior Funding and Solar for the Military.

Solar Water Treatment Plants (Enhanced funding for existing State programs)
Provides $6 billion for the State and Tribal Assistance Grants account ($4 billion for the Clean Water State Revolving Funds and $2 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Funds). To ensure that the funds are used immediately to create jobs, the money must be committed to projects under contract or construction within 12 months of the date of enactment. The bill requires that not less than 20 percent of each Revolving Fund be available for projects to address green infrastructure, water and/or energy efficiency, or other environmentally innovative technologies. The bill allows States to use less than 20 percent for these types of projects only if the States lack sufficient applications.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
These projects will be announced based on an open-bid RFP. Please check with your municipal or state government for solar project opportunities through this program

Department of Interior Funding (Agency specific appropriations)
Appropriates $125 million to BLM for the management of lands and resources and suggests funds be used for renewable energy rights-of-way and related permitting projects. Allocation of these funds and expediting and enhancing the processing of renewable energy projects right-of-ways and related permit applications is anticipated.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
These projects will be announced based on an open-bid RFP. RFPs will be listed on a website and search engines can be set up to help to track new business opportunities and RFPs as they come out.

Solar for the Military (Agency specific appropriations)
Appropriates $300 million for DOD research, development, testing and evaluation of projects to improve energy generation, transmission, and energy efficiency. Appropriates an additional $100 million for Navy and Marine Corps facilities, and further specifies that funds are for energy efficiency and alternative energy projects.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
These projects will be announced based on an open-bid RFP.

This is the sixth installment about the provisions found in the recently passed Stimulus Bill. Included is information about Solar for Schools and Green Collar Jobs.

Solar for Schools (Enhanced funding for existing State programs)
Appropriates $53.6 billion to a state fiscal stabilization fund. Specifies that states shall use 18.2% of this money ($9.75 billion) for public safety and other government services, including the renovation of facilities and schools to meet green building standards. Solar energy projects qualify and schools can use money to install renewable energy generation and heating systems, including PV.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
Please check with your municipal government or local school district for solar project opportunities through this program.

Green Collar Jobs (Enhanced funding for existing State programs)
Appropriates $500 million to fund job training programs in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Also appropriates $250 million for rehabilitation and construction projects on Job Corps Centers, including energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Job Corps has 122 centers in 48 states; new centers are slated to open in the two remaining states, New Hampshire and Wyoming. Map of locations.

The solar industry in certain states is likely to be affected by an increase in regulations to use certified installers and electricians as local unions have begun to put pressure on governments for more stringent requirements and job classifications.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
Agency guidance will be provided by the Department of Labor within 60-90 days. Check the DOL website periodically for updates.

Green Jobs Training:

This is the fourth installment about the provisions found in the recently passed Stimulus Bill. Included is information about Solar on Federal Property, Clean Renewable Energy Bonds and Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds.

Solar on Federal Property (federal guidance pending)
Appropriates $5.5 billion to be deposited into the Federal Buildings Fund for expenditures to construct, repair and make alterations on federal buildings to increase energy efficiency, including installing solar energy equipment. $4.5 billion shall be available for measures necessary to convert General Services Administration (GSA) facilities to high-performance green buildings. Appropriates $1 billion for non-recurring maintenance on Veterans Affairs facilities, including energy projects.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
GSA must submit a plan to Congress within 45 days, detailing, by project, how funding will be used. GSA is currently reviewing hundreds of projects currently in the agency’s backlog. Projects will be evaluated based on how fast GSA can create jobs and how much added energy efficiency and sustainability can be gained from projects ready for construction awards within two years. The GSA will be considering hiring contractors for various projects with likely priority given to female and minority owned businesses. Once details are determined, they will be posted online. Secretary of Veterans Affairs must submit a plan to Congress with 30 days detailing how funding will be used. Any State may apply directly to the Department of Veterans Affairs for grants for construction of state-owned veterans home facilities. Pre-application is due by April 15 for all projects. State assurance of matching funds is due by August 15 to receive priority status.

Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs) (Enhanced funding for existing State programs)
Provides an additional $1.6 billion for new clean renewable energy bonds to finance facilities that generate electricity from renewable energy sources including solar facilities.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
This is intended for governmental agencies since they cannot take advantage of the ITC. In a CREB financing, the holder of the debt instrument receives a federal tax credit in lieu of interest paid by the issuer. Thus, CREBs provide an issuer with the ability to borrow at a 0% interest rate. Small projects are given first priority. Dept of Treasury sets tax credit rate on a daily basis. Tax credits are made on a quarterly basis. Please coordinate with your municipal government on CREB projects. More information can be found at the CREBs website.

Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (Enhanced funding for existing State programs)
Authorizes an additional $2.4 billion, up from $800 million, in bonds to finance State, municipal and tribal government programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These bonds can be used by government agencies to reduce energy consumption in publicly-owned buildings by at least 20 percent, implement green community programs, or develop electricity from renewable energy resources. Demonstration projects that reduce peak electrical use also qualify. Public education campaigns to promote energy efficiency can also be funded.

How to Take Advantage of This Funding
Please check with your municipal government for solar project opportunities through this program

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About Me

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Crystal Phelps :: Solar Diva
A solar electric and renewable energy professional with hands-on industry experience. For over 10 years, I have designed and integrated solar systems, secured project financing and have distributed systems and components for residential, commercial and government customers all over the world. Expertise in both stand-alone (battery back-up) and interactive grid-tie systems.
*California State License Board, C46 Solar
*Certified Energy Plans Examiner, Residential
*Certified Energy Plans Examiner, Non Residential (Commerical)
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